I haven't really been biking lately since my bicycle was stolen last month, but I fitted my wife's bike and decided to start the trips up again. Since it's been 6 weeks since I've done one of these, I decided this would be a good time to do a shorter trip to revisit the South Park Super Neighborhood that I missed last time.
Both Drew and I had late nights last night, we decided to start at 8am instead of the normal 6:30. I got up and checked the weather and found it was perfect for a bike ride. 69 degrees and a cloud cover that would keep it 70 degrees for hours. After waiting about 40 minutes for Drew, I decided not to waste the great weather and to head out by myself with the tripod. Here's the
route I took.
If it looks like I made a lot of wrong turns, I did. My printer is out of ink so I was just winging it. Everywhere I was going I felt I knew pretty well, and I just took roads that looked good.
It didn't make sense to me to go all the way to South Park without getting a few other auxilliary SNs, so I rode through the Hermann Park area on the way. It was a straight shot south to Rice University in
#28 University Place
The oldest university in Houston, established 1912For some reason I thought Hermann Park (right across the street) was a Super Neighborhood, so I snapped this photo:
You can make out Mr. Hermann in the backgroundJust a block further down, I was in the Medical Center, and came across this sign for
#33 Med Center
Houston has the best cancer treatment centers in the nationNow that the easy part was over, I rode over to South Park. I decided to give the MacGregor bike trail a try and was greatly impressed. It was all freshly paved and there were not many road crossings. I was flying!
After going a little too far and backtracking to Cullen to get across I-610, I turned on Bellfort and saw a dead horse laying in the median... It really smelled too as I passed it; it must have been there a while.
Anyway, I continued on to my destination, the South Park Child Redevelopment Center. As I got closer, I saw a giant for lease sign and no others. I decided to ride up to the entrance and see what I could see, and luckily this sign was still outside, for
#72 South Park
It looked like the vacated pretty abruptly, there were still notices to parents on the doorI saw a sign for South Park Baptist Church, and I thought it would make a better picture
I may look upset because I was having angle issuesI rode back up to the MacGregor path, then my plan was to go north on another new bike path until I got to Binz, which of course take me to the Binz Super Neighborhood. When I got to Alabama, I knew I was waaay off. So I cut over to Midtown and then went back south.
Binz was a super neighborhood that I could not find any businesses bearing its name online. Really no one calls this area Binz, it's considered the eastern edge of the Museum district (which is also not a super neighborhood). Binz also has the disadvantage of being very small. I figured if I was going to see anything, it would be along the tiny stretch of Binz Rd. that runs through the southern edge.
Normally I discourage myself from taking photograhps of street addresses, but I made an exception in this case because it was just so colorful and unique. Not to mention I couldn't find anything else. So here is
#66 Binz:
I tried panoramic to get all the wording, but for some reason it didn't focus.After Binz, it was a pretty uneventul ride home, basically taking the same route I took to get out there. So after these 4 new Super Neighborhoods, it puts me at 49 out of 88 Super Neighborhoods. It took me just over three hours and was 31.0 miles long.