Monday, August 23, 2010

Every County in New England in 20 minutes

Here it is folks - the results of assembling 12,000+ still frames shot over our 26 hour journey to every county in New England into a 20 minute video with corresponding soundtrack.

I'm pretty pleased with how it came out, so find yourself a 20 minute block of time, and get some popcorn. Unfortunately, the video here is a little small and blocky due to file size restrictions...


Twelve Mile Circle said...

Outstanding. What a great adventure and a wonderful video. Congratulations on completing New England.

Carey said...

It would be cool if you could put in subtitles for the counties as you go through them.

Daniel said...

Wow. I feel like Superman!

Congratulations on the achievement.

I look forward to the next video, mounted to a speeder bike, with moments of Luke Skywalker's head bobbing in and out as he dodges laser blasts from pursuing storm troopers.