Friday, June 29, 2007

Tour de Fairport Harbor 2007

So, in catching up on my blog posts, here's an update on the Tour de Fairport Harbor, 2007.

Basic "Every Street" rules can be found here

Fairport Harbor specific rules can be found here.

When thinking about this post, there's actually not a whole lot to say. My step-dad and I went out last Tuesday (June 19, 2007) to tour. Having already thought about the mechanics of the route, I had arrived with a route already in hand.

Tuesday morning we set out a little after 7 a.m. and then we rode the ride and that was... about it?

Our route ended up being 17.26 miles and the world record time is 1 hour, 38 minutes and 35 seconds. I think that it could probably be beaten - we weren't really cycling competitively - more just for fun and exercise. Plus my dad was doing silly things like stopping at stop-signs :-).

It was a nice way to see the town and see some of the sights

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As the co-participant in this record setting event, I must say I rather enjoyed it. Not as much stopping and starting as I had expected/feared. Perhaps because of Dan's great memory and navigation skills. Some Fairport trivia from our tour and time spent there: I think there were only 2 stoplights in town, and one was on blink. There was 1 gas station (marathon), 1 convenient store, 1 beverage store, 1 bait/fishing store, a bowling alley, 5 or 6 churches, 1 lighthouse, several marinas, a very nice beach/park and zero hotels/motels. Population about 3100. This years high school graduating class: 29. As for stopping a stop signs - I stop if there is any traffic, probably paranoid from a bike vs. car crash 27 years ago when I was sloppy with the rules.
Dsd G.
Dad G.